Heritage Statements with detailed assessments of the significance of heritage assets

Certificate of Immunity from Listing Applications and/or advice on whether buildings are listable

Design Collaboration with architects to achieve an appropriate solution where quality of design must be balanced against impact on heritage assets and their settings

Advice on the opportunities to add value through development related to listed buildings, buildings in conservation areas or affected by other heritage designations

Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment of new development in historic contexts for Environmental Statements

Design Briefs for Architectural Competitions and assessing design submissions

Viewpoint Studies for high buildings

Expert Witness on architecture, townscape and heritage issues at Public Inquiry

Advice to Local Planning Authorities on Design, Tall Buildings, Views and Heritage policy and guidance

Advice to Neighbourhood groups on matters relating to heritage assets, views and new development

Advice on presentation of development schemes to national and local organisations, authorities and interest groups

Critical analysis and peer assessment of development proposals

VuCity testing and production of non-verified views to show the implications of height and massing on selected views